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Montana joined the NSF EPSCoR program in 1980 and has developed a multitude of competitively-funded EPSCoR projects over time. Although each project is designed with unique research, education, and broader engagement objectives, the cumulative impact continues over time. Below you can find summaries of current and historic NSF EPSCoR projects in Montana.

SMART FIRES: Sensors, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Fire Science

Sensors, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Fire Science (SMART FireS) is a partnership among Montana State University, University of Montana, Salish Kootenai College, Little Big Horn College, Montana Technical University and Flathead Valley Community College. The vision of this partnership is to expand jurisdictional research capacity in order to address knowledge gaps associated with prescribed fire usage and to understand prescribed fire’s impact on individuals and communities.

Consortium for Research on Environmental Water Systems (CREWS)

The Consortium for Research on Environmental Water Systems (CREWS) is a five-year, $20M NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 partnership between the University of Montana, Montana State University, Montana Technological University, Salish Kootenai College, Little Bighorn College, and business and government partners to study Montana’s environmental water systems and specific water quality issues.

Natural Resource Supply Chain Optimization using Aerial Imagery Interpreted with Machine Learning Methods

The University of Montana and the University of Alaska, Anchorage will conduct scientific research that is responsive to the needs of their natural resource based economies

Using Natural Variation to Educate, Innovate, and Lead

UM partnership with University of Nebraska Lincoln focused on understanding how organisms function in complex environments and how they acclimate and adapt to environmental challenges.

Building Genome-to-Phenome Infrastructure for Regulating Methane in Deep and Extreme Environments

The NSF awarded a total of $6 million in August 2017 for a collaboration at MSU as well as the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and the University of Oklahoma. The project’s abbreviated name is BuG ReMeDEE (pronounced “bug remedy”).

Water, Agriculture, Food, Energy, Research Nexus

A regional interdisciplinary team led by Montana State University with the University of Wyoming and University of South Dakota to develop new innovations at the intersection of food, energy and water systems while training the next generation of scientists.

Neural Basis of Attention

Montana State University is a partner in neuroscience research on attention with New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Nevada.

Governing Social-Ecological Transformation across Working Landscapes

RII Track-4: Governing Social-Ecological Transformation across Working Landscapes. The goal of this research is to better understand the potential for human-led transformations of degraded agricultural systems across the U.S.

Strengthening structural biology research with single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM)

RII Track-4: Strengthening structural biology research with single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The fellowship will provide the PI with training on Cryo-EM and associated techniques, which will be used in his work on the analysis of the structure and function of specific proteins.

Infrastructure via Science and Technology Enhanced Partnerships III

Montana research on ecosystems from microbes to landscapes, including creation of the Montana Institute on Ecosystems (IoE)

Montana Northern Tier Network (MT-NTN)

The Montana Northern Tier Network (MT-NTN) extends the reach and capability of the Montana University System’s (MUS)fiber network. It improved the research and education connectivity access across Montana.

Cyberinfrastructure for a Virtual Observatory and Ecological Informatics System

This collaborative project between MT and KY and partners developed an integrated sensor and ecological informatics system through the use of modern cyberinfrastructure resources.

Infrastructure via Science and Technology Enhanced Partnerships

Research on: 1) Hydrogen and the environment and 1) large river ecosystems.

Infrastructure via Science and Technology Enhanced Partnerships

Research on: 1) biomolecular structures, 2) neuroscience, 3) bioengineering, and 4) nano materials

Montana EPSCoR’s Infrastructure: Cross-sectional Partnership Building for the Future

This award focused on Integrative Analysis of Complex Biological Systems (IACBS). Biomolecular Structure and Function (BmSF), and Nanosciences.

Montana Research Infrastructure Enhancement Program

This project targeted building Montana's scientific infrastructure in laser optics, structural/functional biology (biochemistry), and environmental/ecological sciences.

An Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research: Phase B Implementation Plan in Montana

Montana was one of the initial EPSCoR states receiving a competitive award of $2.2M for five years. The period was extended to 1989 with additional funding. 

SMART FIRES: Sensors, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Fire Science

Sensors, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Fire Science (SMART FireS) is a partnership among Montana State University, University of Montana, Salish Kootenai College, Little Big Horn College, Montana Technical University and Flathead Valley Community College. The vision of this partnership is to expand jurisdictional research capacity in order to address knowledge gaps associated with prescribed fire usage and to understand prescribed fire’s impact on individuals and communities.

Natural Resource Supply Chain Optimization using Aerial Imagery Interpreted with Machine Learning Methods

The University of Montana and the University of Alaska, Anchorage will conduct scientific research that is responsive to the needs of their natural resource based economies

Consortium for Research on Environmental Water Systems (CREWS)

The Consortium for Research on Environmental Water Systems (CREWS) is a five-year, $20M NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 partnership between the University of Montana, Montana State University, Montana Technological University, Salish Kootenai College, Little Bighorn College, and business and government partners to study Montana’s environmental water systems and specific water quality issues.

Using Natural Variation to Educate, Innovate, and Lead

UM partnership with University of Nebraska Lincoln focused on understanding how organisms function in complex environments and how they acclimate and adapt to environmental challenges.

Building Genome-to-Phenome Infrastructure for Regulating Methane in Deep and Extreme Environments

The NSF awarded a total of $6 million in August 2017 for a collaboration at MSU as well as the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and the University of Oklahoma. The project’s abbreviated name is BuG ReMeDEE (pronounced “bug remedy”).

Water, Agriculture, Food, Energy, Research Nexus

A regional interdisciplinary team led by Montana State University with the University of Wyoming and University of South Dakota to develop new innovations at the intersection of food, energy and water systems while training the next generation of scientists.

Neural Basis of Attention

Montana State University is a partner in neuroscience research on attention with New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Nevada.

Governing Social-Ecological Transformation across Working Landscapes

RII Track-4: Governing Social-Ecological Transformation across Working Landscapes. The goal of this research is to better understand the potential for human-led transformations of degraded agricultural systems across the U.S.

Strengthening structural biology research with single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM)

RII Track-4: Strengthening structural biology research with single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The fellowship will provide the PI with training on Cryo-EM and associated techniques, which will be used in his work on the analysis of the structure and function of specific proteins.

Infrastructure via Science and Technology Enhanced Partnerships III

Montana research on ecosystems from microbes to landscapes, including creation of the Montana Institute on Ecosystems (IoE)

Montana Northern Tier Network (MT-NTN)

The Montana Northern Tier Network (MT-NTN) extends the reach and capability of the Montana University System’s (MUS)fiber network. It improved the research and education connectivity access across Montana.

Cyberinfrastructure for a Virtual Observatory and Ecological Informatics System

This collaborative project between MT and KY and partners developed an integrated sensor and ecological informatics system through the use of modern cyberinfrastructure resources.

Infrastructure via Science and Technology Enhanced Partnerships

Research on: 1) Hydrogen and the environment and 1) large river ecosystems.

Infrastructure via Science and Technology Enhanced Partnerships

Research on: 1) biomolecular structures, 2) neuroscience, 3) bioengineering, and 4) nano materials

Montana EPSCoR’s Infrastructure: Cross-sectional Partnership Building for the Future

This award focused on Integrative Analysis of Complex Biological Systems (IACBS). Biomolecular Structure and Function (BmSF), and Nanosciences.

Montana Research Infrastructure Enhancement Program

This project targeted building Montana's scientific infrastructure in laser optics, structural/functional biology (biochemistry), and environmental/ecological sciences.

An Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research: Phase B Implementation Plan in Montana

Montana was one of the initial EPSCoR states receiving a competitive award of $2.2M for five years. The period was extended to 1989 with additional funding. 

Montana Projects
RII Track-3 (T3)
Workshop (W)
Planning (P)

Upcoming Events

Montana Reverse Site Visit with NSF

The Reverse Site Visit is required in Year 2 of an RII Track-1 project. Montana is scheduled to meet with NSF On April 3, 2025.The RSV is a review/evaluation conducted by teams of external reviewers and the NSF staff.

More Montana Reverse Site Visit with NSF

SMART FIRES Year 3 All Hands Meeting

SMART FIRES will hold our year 3 all hands meeting on September 8-9, 2025. 

More SMART FIRES Year 3 All Hands Meeting

Montana Reverse Site Visit with NSF

The Reverse Site Visit is required in Year 2 of an RII Track-1 project. Montana is scheduled to meet with NSF On April 3, 2025.The RSV is a review/evaluation conducted by teams of external reviewers and the NSF staff.

More Montana Reverse Site Visit with NSF

SMART FIRES Year 3 All Hands Meeting

SMART FIRES will hold our year 3 all hands meeting on September 8-9, 2025. 

More SMART FIRES Year 3 All Hands Meeting