The close integration of research and education is the focal point from which all other project elements derive. MT NSF EPSCoR supports innovative education activities that directly link to research objectives and enhance Montana's STEM workforce. Our education activities focus on undergraduate and graduate students but include programs designed to foster STEM education in Montana's K-12 institutions.

Workforce Development
We support STEM workforce development activities that are integrated with each project's research and education program and contribute to the preparation of a new cadre of competitive researchers, innovators, and educators. These efforts range from faculty mentoring and student enhancement programs to K-12 STEM education support.

Statewide engagement
MT NSF EPSCoR develops research-linked programs that build capacity within Montana ensuring that available statewide human and institutional resources play a meaningful role in the pursuit of the goals of each project. We additionally partner with Montana's seven tribal colleges to connect MUS research to education for advancing inclusion of Montana's Native American communities in STEM opportunities.

Partnerships & Collaboration
MT NSF EPSCoR Partnerships & Collaborations overlap with a multitude of project activities and extend the positive impact of our projects. These efforts allow leveraging of resources and promote sustainability of activities across all project components.. Partnerships may seed science, engineering, and education collaborations that promote innovation and STEM pipeline development and can range in scope from intra-jurisdictional to inter-jurisdictional, regional, national, or international.

Outreach & Communications
Montana NSF EPSCoR communicates and disseminates project outcomes through supported partnerships and programs that foster collaboration, target development of a diverse, well-trained STEM workforce, and support a scientifically informed citizenry. The dissemination of scientific results to stakeholders and citizens builds scientific literacy and strengthens educational and research capacity throughout Montana. Our Outreach & Communications programs link directly to each project's research objectives.