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Cheviron Lab Photo

UM awarded Track-2 in partnership with University of Nebraska

UM Professor of Wildlife Biology, Zach Cheviron, is the PI on a newly awarded $4M RII Track-2 FEC project in partnership with the University of Nebraska Lincoln.

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NSF EPSCoR Eligible Jurisdictions Map 2017

2017 NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 RFP available

NSF has published the EPSCoR RII Track-1 RFP for 2017.

ReadBlog 2017 NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 RFP available
National Science Foundation

"E" in EPSCoR changed from experimental to established

The American Innovation and Competitiveness Act (AICA) (S. 3084) signed Jan 7, 2017 changed the "E" in EPSCoR.

ReadBlog "E" in EPSCoR changed from experimental to established
NCAR SEA 2014 image

Student opportunity (travel grants) for SEA Conference

The Computational and Information Systems Laboratory is offering travel grants to students who are interested in attending the sixth annual National Center for Atmospheric Research Software Engineering Assembly Conference (SEA).

ReadBlog Student opportunity (travel grants) for SEA Conference
NSF EPSCoR Jurisdictions Map

EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation Newsletter

The EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation has released an end of year (December 2016) Newsletter.

ReadBlog EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation Newsletter

Upcoming Events

STEM Summer Institute and Workshop

Supported by the SMART FIRES project, MSU will host the 2024 STEM Summer Institute and Workshop in the Norm Asbjornson Hall on August 5-7, 2024.

More STEM Summer Institute and Workshop

SMART FIRES All Hands Meeting

More SMART FIRES All Hands Meeting

28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference

28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference

More 28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference

STEM Summer Institute and Workshop

Supported by the SMART FIRES project, MSU will host the 2024 STEM Summer Institute and Workshop in the Norm Asbjornson Hall on August 5-7, 2024.

More STEM Summer Institute and Workshop

SMART FIRES All Hands Meeting

More SMART FIRES All Hands Meeting

28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference

28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference

More 28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference