Dixon Afterschool chosen for Small Town STEM program

Dixon School’s afterschool club was recently chosen for Small Town STEM, an outreach program of Montana NSF EPSCoR that supports science, technology, engineering and mathematics enrichment in towns of 2,500 and under.

Dixon School received support for Sarah BigSam, a music teacher and afterschool educator, to attend the Montana Afterschool Alliance annual meeting in Bozeman, and Dixon’s afterschool program will receive STEM supplies and equipment. BigSam chose supplies that will help create a MakerSpace area for her students.

The Dixon Afterschool program meets every Monday through Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:20 p.m. at Dixon School Community Room. It is open to grades K-8. For more information, visit https://www.dixonschool.org/21st-century-program
