UM Associate Professor, Tony Ward, received a National Institute of Health Science Education Partnership Award to develop inquiry-based science lessons that will prepare middle and high school students to conduct research studies on air pollutants. Teachers who are involved in the project will receive training, curriculum and air-sampling equipment to guide environmental health science education.
UM professor Alison Perkins has received a National Science Foundation grant to enhance the quality and quantity of environmental science news reaching Montana's reservations and rural areas.
IoE focus area lead Geoff Poole has received a National Science Foundation grant to study the effects of logjams on streams. His project, entitled "Leaky River: Nutrient Retention and Productivity in Rocky Mountain Streams Under Alternative Stable States" will examine logjams and jam-associated processes across a gradient of streams, including streams in old-growth forests, unmanaged younger forests, and intensively managed forests. This work will provide the first landscape-scale assessment of the effects of jam removal on stream ecosystems.
IoE Associates Awarded Federal Funding for Environmental Research
November 4, 2013