The SMART FireS (SF) data lake, a premier team data storage resource for big data, is now ready to use! A data lake is a lightly structured resource for use with active internal (i.e., non-public) data. The SF data lake can be used with Globus data transfer capabilities to:
- facilitate swift movement of large data sets between collaborators;
- enable better data management for big data; and
- provide an ongoing opportunity for the team to collectively and consistently select and apply data management best practices.
The SF Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Team has scheduled an initial data lake training session for SF researchers, to take place on Tuesday, April 9th, 11:00am – 1:00pm MDT. The training session will be of particular importance to researchers generating, managing, and sharing large datasets.
Meeting Link: Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 299 072 828 861
Passcode: pv5QdH